Lab Bulk Powder Flow & Particle Size Analysis

ISO903 Aluminium Oxide Untamped Density Apparatus

ISO903 Aluminium Oxide Untamped Density Apparatus (LABULK 317) is manufactured according to international standard ISO 903 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminum – Determination of untamped density.

ISO 903 Aluminium Oxide Untamped Density Apparatus

ISO 903 Aluminium Oxide Untamped Density Apparatus



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  1. RANJAN KUMAR BEHERA . 2018/07/05 17:53:37

    We required BD apparatus .
    It should be as per ISO 903 , use for Alumina bulk density calculation.

    Dia. =10 cm, Angle = 60 deg.
    Stem length =8 cm
    Aperture dia. = 6 mm


    Capacity= 200 ml, Dia. to internal length ratio =1/6

    If possible, Please send me a quotation as per my requirements.

  2. Retha Smal 2017/05/10 09:32:59

    Can you please send me a quote on the ISO903 Aluminium Oxide Untamped Density Apparatus as well as the Angle of repose tester. I see there is 2 the Labulk-0316 and ISO902 Aluminium Oxide Angle of Repose Tester. Can you tell me the difference between the 2.