home > News > 510-114 what are the related national standards of the particle size measurement of air jet sieve?
510-114 what are the related national standards of the particle size measurement of air jet sieve?
Date: 2024-07-12 / Author: labulkcomadmin / Category: News
510-114 what are the related national standards of the particle size measurement of air jet sieve?
The related standard of particle size measurement:
- 0982 Determination of particle size and particle size distribution in Chinese pharmacopoeia version 2015
- GB/T 3249-1982 Method for determination of powder size of refractory metals and compounds- fisher method
- GB/T 19077.1-2003 Particle size analysis. Laser diffraction method
- GB/T 1480-1995 Determination of particle size composition of metallic powders dry sieving method
- GB/T 2007.7-1987 General principles for sampling and sample preparation of bulk mineral product. Method for particle size determination. Manual sieving
- GB/T 2441.7-2001 Determination of urea. Determination of particle size. Sieving method
- GB/T 2481.1-1998 Testing and marking of abrasive particle size composition for consolidation abrasive Part 1:Coarse grinding particles F4~F220
- GB/T 2481.2-1998 Testing and marking of abrasive particle size composition for consolidation abrasive Part 2:micro powder F230~F1200
- GB/T 5758-2001 Determination of particle size of ion exchange resin, effective particle size and uniformity coefficient
- GB/T 5917-1986 Compound feed grinding particle size determination method
- GB/T 6524-2003 Metal powder. Measurement of particle size distribution. Gravity setting light penetration method
- GB/T 6609.27-2004 Chemical analysis methods and physical properties determination of alumina. Particle size analysis. Sieving method.
- GB/T 7702.2-1997 Activated carbon test method of coal particles determination of particle size
- GB/T 9258.1-2000 涂附磨具用磨料 particle size analysis part 1:size composition
- GB/T 9258.2-2000 涂附磨具用磨料 Particle size analysis Part 2: Coarse grinding particles P12~P220 Determination of particle size composition
- GB/T 9258.3-2000 涂附磨具用磨料 Particle size analysis Part 3:micro powder P240~P2500 Determination of particle size composition
- GB/T 9984.8-2004 Determination of the particle size of sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use
- GB/T 10209.4-2001 Determination of particle size of monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate
- GB/T 10322.7-2004 Iron ore. Determination and sieving of particle size distribution
- GB 10515-1989 Determination of particle size of phosphate nitrate fertilizer
- GB/T 12005.7-1989 Determination method of particle size of powdered polyacrylamide
- GB/T 12010.10-1989 Determination method of particle size of polyvinyl alcohol resin
- GB/T 12496.2-1999 Test method for wood activated carbon. Determination of particle size distribution
- GB/T 13025.1-1991 General test method for salt industry Determination of particle size
- GB/T 13221-2004 Determination of particle size distribution of nanometer powder. X-ray small angle scattering method
- GB/T 13247-1991 Testing method and sampling of the particle size of ferroalloy products
- GB/T 15057.11-1994 Determination of particle size of limestone used in chemical industry
- GB/T 15064.7-1994 picture tube graphite emulsion test method. Particle size test method
- GB/T 15445.2-2006 A description of the results of particle size analysis Part 2: Average particle size/diameter were calculated from particle size distribution
- GB/T 15445.4-2006 A description of the results of particle size analysis Part 4:A representation of a grading process GB/T 16742.1-1997 Functional characterization of particle size distribution. Power function
- GB/T 19627-2005 Particle size analysis. Photon correlation spectroscopy
- GB/T 20170.1-2006 Methods for testing the physical properties of rare earth metals and their compounds. Determination of the particle size distribution of rare earth compounds
- GB/T 20966-2007 Method for determination of coal mine dust particle size distribution (Implement on January 1st, 2008)
- JC/T 650-1996 Test method of particle size of glass raw materials
- SN/T 0800.15-1999 Test method of particle size of imported and exported grain, feed.
- SN/T 0803.3-1999 Test method of particle size of imported and exported oil
- BS ISO 9276-5:2005 A representation of particle size analysis results. The correlation analysis method of lognormal probability distribution is used.