Lab Bulk Powder Flow & Particle Size Analysis

LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester

LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester measures tap density. LABULK 0335 intelligent tap density tester used to measure the tap density of powders. It consists of touch panel, printer, electronic balance, tap assembly, motor and glass cylinders. LABULK 0335 is designed according to all known international standards The parameters are flexible to set in order to get results as per users diversified requirements. In addition to auto measurement, auto print and auto calculation of tap density, LABULK 0335 can also automatically measure the flowability of this powder such as Hausner Ratio and Compressibility Index. Powder flowability measurement.


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LABULK 0335 Tapped Density Tester P/N 33598

Tap density tester for sale

Tap density tester for sale

LABULK 0335 tap density tester usp

LABULK 0335 tap density tester usp

LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester (compacted bulk density tester) is used to measure the tapped density or packed density of powders, as well as granulated or flaked materials by standardized and repeatable procedures. Much superior to  vankel tap density tester, LABULK 0335 tap density equipment consists of 7 inch broad LCD panel, micro controller, printer, glass cylinder and holder as well as sound acoustic cabinet. LABULK 0335 tapped density apparatus features easy operation, compact in size, light in weight, tapping height and speed controllable, tap density results printable, it also output flowability data automatically such as Hausner Ratio and Compressibility Index. It meets all relevant international standards and being widely used in metal, pharma, food, chemical etc industries. LABULK 0335 has become the most price performance ratio tap density tester for sale. LABULK 0335 conforms to all international standards such as USP 616ASTM B527 etc. LABULK 0335 tap density tester is upgraded from discontinued AS-100 tap density tester.

LABULK 0335 Tap Density Tester

LABULK 0335 Tap Density Tester


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  • Tapped density
  • Compressibility Index
  • Hausner Ratio

LABULK 0335 Tap Density Tester  is widely used in measuring

powder flowability measurement

powder flowability measurement

  • Metallic powders
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Formed catalyst and catalyst carriers
  • Fine catalyst particles and catalyst carrier particles
  • Pigments and extenders
  • Instant coffee
  • Dried milk and dried milk products
  • Uranium dioxide powder

AS-100 Tap Density Tester(1 Station)  features

LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester

  • Flexible parameter adjustment
  • Digital LCD display
  • Membrane buttons
  • Internal printer
  • Internal calculator


Tap density tester Top view

Tap density tester Top view

Tap density tester front view

Tap density tester front view


Tap Density Tester


Leave a Reply

  1. Jessica Virk 2024/10/17 00:26:00

    I need a quote for RFQ – Automatic Tap Testers
    I want to bid on solicitation no. : FA812525Q0002

    The items and specifications are listed below:

    Item Description QTY Unit
    1 Automatic Tap Testers 2 Each

    Item specifications
    1 • Two (2) each, Automatic Tap Testers with the following specifications:
    o Handheld unit weighing no more than 1.5lbs.
    o Battery powered
    o Capable of detecting disbonding/damage/delamination of honeycomb sandwiched materials.
    o Be able work on panels with a thickness up to 5 mm
    o A support feature that allows the tap tester to be at proper distance for tapping the materials
    o Digital XY plotter to map defects detected by the tap tester
    o Any Necessary software.
    o Certificate of conformance and traceable calibration certificate.
    o Remote probe
    o Test block.
    o Angle indicator/finder
    o Any Necessary cables
    o Acrylic and aluminum hammer heads with replacements
    o Durable case that can provide protection from harsh environments and rough handling with foam cutouts to keep tap tester and accessories secured in place.
    o At minimum 1 year manufacturer warranty.
    2 Packaging and Marking
    Items shall be packaged in accordance with the Contractor’s commercial best practice to ensure undamaged arrival at destination. Individual shipments exceeding 150 pounds, 108 inches in length, or 130 inches in girth plus length shall be packaged on skidded crates or palletized to allow handling by forklift.

    Please give us the bid rate and also mention the Shipping cost, payment terms and lead time.

    Delivery address:
    TINKER AFB, OK 73145-3303

    End date: Oct 18, 2025 12:00 pm CDT

  2. Fatin Shazwani 2024/07/31 17:24:13

    need quotation for labulk tapped density tester 1 station

  3. Alex Close 2024/06/25 05:45:04

    Hello, we are in the market for a tap density tester for metallic powders that are electrode materials. Could you please provide us with a quote for different tap density testers? We would love to make a purchase.

  4. Roh ChangWan 2023/11/22 12:24:27

    I need manual about LABULK 0335 tap tester.

    Can I get manual??

    And I hope to know initial password

  5. Maria Estupinan 2022/06/30 03:20:43

    Hi, I would like a quoation of a single workstation tapped density tester.

  6. Debbie Harrison 2022/05/12 04:20:00

    I am looking for a piece of equipment we can used in a spice laboratory. Our current tapping unit (Consolidated Instrument Corporation Bulk Index Unit Model 900) does not seem to be available any longer. We are looking for a replacement. Our sample size is generally per 1000 ml.

    Do you have anything that would work for us?

    Thank you,

  7. Laarni Quipid 2021/12/13 13:53:53

    Hi Team, requesting for your assistance to quote the The Labulk 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester. Please include shipping fee (CIF)
    Here’s the details for your reference.

    Hoping for your immediate assistance. Thank you and keep safe.

  8. adrianus arum 2020/10/14 16:21:29

    please send me a quote for labulk 0331 and labulk 0335

  9. Sydney McCrady 2020/06/22 21:47:44

    Looking for a tap density tester that has capabilities to tap from heights of 3mm and 14mm and cycle rates from 5 taps to 300 taps per minute. Actively in the buying process and need the equipment ASAP. Willing to look to buy refurbished equipment with warranty.

  10. Brian Holly 2020/01/16 00:07:52

    May I have a quote for AS-100 Tap Density Tester(2 Stations with Printer). Thank you so much. Is the instrument capable of using both 100ml and 250 ml cylinders?

  11. Vanessa V 2019/07/09 21:44:13


    I am reaching out from Total Nutrition Technology, we are looking for a quote on one of your Bulk Density Testers the specs need to meet 0.697 ± 0.05 g/ml

    Look forward to hearing from you,

    Vanessa Voutsinas
    Total Nutrition Technology

  12. MANOJ CHERIAN 2019/04/18 14:05:47

    please quote for labulk 0335

  13. […] LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester […]

  14. […] LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester […]

  15. gerson saldarriaga 2017/06/09 00:18:03

    goor morning
    i need quote a digital densimeter to sodium bicarbonate
    i beleve in the SA-100 model

  16. R. Smiles 2017/05/13 07:43:04

    Looking for an instrument to measure the bulk density of copper and zinc powdered concentrates, and an idea of the price of this instrument.

  17. PATEL VIJAYKUMAR NANUBHAI 2017/05/11 13:34:53

    May I have a quote for AS-100 Tap Density Tester(2 Stations with Printer). Thank you so much.

  18. Applications 2013/12/28 17:33:35

    What applications are AS-100 tap density tester manufactured for?
    -AS-100 tap density tester meets requirements of industries such as pharmaceuticals,metallic powders,pigments and extenders,formed catalyst and catalyst carriers,instant coffee,dried milk and products and uranium dioxide powders etc.

  19. Standards 2013/12/18 14:28:58

    What international standards does AS-100 Tap Density Tester meet?
    -AS-100 Tap Density Tester meets USP 616,EP2.9.15,ISO3953,ASTM B527,ISO787,ASTM D4164,ASTM D4781,ISO8460,ISO8967,ISO9161