Lab Bulk Powder Flow & Particle Size Analysis

AS-200 Scott Volumeter (Version ASTM B329)

AS-200 Scott Volumeter Price USD 399

AS-200 Scott Volumeter (Version ASTM B329) is used to determine the apparent density of metal powders and related compounds using the Scott Volumeter, it is also known as the Paint Pigment Volumeter. It is produced stringently according to ASTM B329.

AS-200 Scott Volumeter Price USD 399

AS-200 Scott Volumeter Price USD 399




AS-200 Scott Volumeter Price USD 399

Leave a Reply

  1. Daniel 2022/05/20 03:39:28

    please provide quote.

  2. Mr. Manish Patel 2021/12/07 11:34:39

    Pls share quote of 200-scott-volumeter-version-astm-b329. Estimate will be fine,

  3. Phillip Whittle 2021/02/08 08:15:15

    Please give me a quote for the AS-200-Scott Volumeter version ASTM-B329 it will be used for both pigments and metal powder feedstocks I am also interested in the lead time thanks

    Kind Regards

    Quality Laboratory Lead
    Tronox – Northern Ops

  4. Shanese Bailey 2019/12/13 00:29:34

    What is the size of the base cup?

    Please give me a quote.

    It will be used in the cosmetic industry for bulk powder testing.


    What is the lead time

    Thank you